During the past year I stepped away from social media to focus on healing. My sister’s death shook me to the core, and I noticed that I wasn’t getting better. Time away proved to be invaluable as I began to heal and focus on what mattered most which is living life. Below is a list of things I worked on while away.


I’ve walked as a form of exercise off and on for a while, but last year I discovered the joy of walking to simply relax. Without the pressure of a mileage or pace goal I’m now able to walk out my front door, enjoy the fresh air and the gift of movement. I always feel better after a walk and simply do it now to clear my mind or work through an issue.

Spending time with God

I ‘d been stuck in the psalms for several years (yes you read that correctly) before moving on. Reading it was a source of comfort for me, but it was time to move forward. Refocusing my daily reading time in the New Testament revitalized my desire to dig deeper into scripture. Enabling me to once again move beyond passive reading and resume studying the bible.

Realized it’s not possible to write and grieve

Trying to force something into fruition is never a good idea. My desire to write has not waned but its focus has shifted. From morning pages to blogging again I now write to focus on where I am and moving forward, not on the complicated task of writing a book.

Launched an Etsy shop

After spending so much time reading the psalms, I created a printable as a creative outlet. The process of creating something felt good and lead me to launch Deeper Growth. I enjoy the creative process more than the business aspect, but the overall project gives me a positive focus.


When I moved into my new house a few years ago, I was so overwhelmed with everything that I didn’t toss or donate nearly enough stuff. Last summer I began decluttering one room at a time including the garage. The process felt great and allowed me to see how much stuff I don’t need. My kitchen counter now looks streamlined and clutter free as does every closet in my house.

Made a decision to live life

It took a while for me to realize that I wasn’t living my life but merely existing and going through the motions of each day as time move on. I didn’t know what I wanted but it wasn’t simply existing and allowing life to pass me by. That awareness was a huge first step.

Decided to move to Texas

My dream has always, always been to live near the ocean. As idea brought forth after reading “A year by the sea” by Joan Anderson years ago. I had to forgo my romanticized vision of a cute white cottage on the beach for something both realistic and affordable while praying for guidance. I was led to a beach town on the coast with reasonably priced homes close to the beach. A safe distance from potential hurricanes yet close enough to enjoy.

Overall, the time I spent away from social media proved to be worthwhile and gives me hope. Have you ever taken a sabbatical from social media? Tell me about it in the comments.

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