Hebrews Bible Study Journal

I’ve found the book of Hebrews to be both challenging to read and study. It is not an easy book to comprehend. It requires quite a bit of prayer and study. It’s not a book to be read passively. That’s why I found the Hebrews Bible Study Journal to be...

Ministry Update

In a previous post, I shared how the Lord has been speaking to me about returning to ministry.  You can read more about that here.  You may or may not know that I am a licensed minister.  I left the church after being hurt numerous times, but my heart remains very...

Mother’s Day Poem

Each Mother’s Day is now without you. Flowers once purchased now have a whole new meaning. You are continually In our hearts Our minds And In our everyday lives. May we live our lives to make you proud and share the legacy of love you both sought to give in your own...

Moving Out of State

For a very long time, I’ve wanted to move, not to a different house within the same city, but to a different state.  Away from the desert landscape and wildlife to greenery and ocean breezes, away from the pain and despair caused by grieving the loss of loved...

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