Turning forty is something to be enjoyed, not endured. After all, it only happens once. It’s a time in life where you shed not only your youth but also the expectations and opinions of others. Turning forty is when you truly learn to live for yourself and God.  Below are a few of my thoughts on turning forty as a believer.

Life lessons of turning 40 as a believer in Christ

  • Reading the Bible will get you through life’s most difficult challenges. Making Bible reading a lifestyle will transform you. See Proverbs 3:1–2 NIV
  • Seeking validation from others is not worth it. Know your worth in Christ.
  • Spend time dealing with childhood traumas. I.e. Childhood sexual abuse, emotional and verbal abuse, etc. Life’s too short to live with trauma for the rest of your life.
  • Spend time confronting your fears and insecurities too. You will live a more productive life by learning how to deal with them. 
  • Remind yourself often that you are stronger than you realize. 
  • Some relationships are only for a season. Release those people and move forward.   See Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV
  • Living debt-free isn’t only for others, it’s for you too. Learn how to pay off your bills and live free. It can open an entire realm of new possibilities. For example, homeownership, early retirement, travel, and much more. The possibilities are endless! 
  • If you’re single know that celibacy is empowering, and the blessings are unmatched.

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