From the pages of Bella Grace

I am from…

A grandmother who was a strong, black woman that sacrificed much.

She gave up her home to ensure her daughter and grandchildren were cared for.

Both cleaned hotel rooms on the Las Vegas strip for decades to provide for us.  Enduring racism, misogyny, and low wages.

I am from…

Collard greens, cornbread, fried chicken, pinto beans, and so much love.  From caramel cakes, banana pudding, and sweet potato pies for endless days.  Kool-Aid in the summertime, which was way too sweet and iced tea, brewed by the hot sun.

I am from…

Friday night fish fries and soul food Sundays.  Dominoes, spades, and plenty of trash talk.  Blues playing loudly in the background.  Little Milton, Bobby Blue Bland, and Tyrone Davis singing “Cheating in the next room, making plans to be there soon. Talking softly on the telephone…”  My ears, too young to understand the lyrics being sung.

I am from…

Times of struggle and hardships that knew no bounds.  Women who tried to ensure their male children stayed out of trouble and the girls too.  Each carrying its own set of consequences.

I am from…

Childhood dreams inspired from the pages of Judy Blume and Pippi Longstocking.  And finally, having experienced the joy of being introduced to “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.”  A book where the character resembled me.  My eyes opened with the words of Maya Angelou, Richard Wright and so many more.

I am from…

Journal written pages of so many hopes, and dreams for no one to see.  My life experiences along with those of my mother and grandmother gave me the strength to continue in their absence.  Without them and the love of Christ, I would not be the woman I am today.

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